Ghost River GIR, forthcoming, is a video work of speculative fiction centered around a city and its virtual double. It reimagines the urban as porous, interspecies and terraformed- both ancient and impossible. It is a search for visual and aural forms that can relate the strange, yet common, sense of touching the future in so many surfaces, and of deep changes occurring in front of our eyes.
Intended to culminate in a 30 minute film, GIR is being built and released in pieces, iterations and investigations in multiple media. These include collage, video and animation, sound, actions and writing. The work engages though an amplified tension between the experiential and the speculative, pointing out their material co-existence.
As excessive storyboard, digital and photographic collage, video still, watercolour, sheen and experimental material, manifest potential scenarios towards the video. These iterations explore interspecies becoming, camouflage, new materials, climate change and the Anthropocene, terraforming and the phenomenon of the megatropolis, all themes nuanced in GIR.